Prepared by Ratidzo Njagu & Ratidzo Makombe
An important part of mental wellness is self-care and identifying ways to best improve your wellbeing. Women often have many roles and responsibilities in their lives. They can be a mother, a daughter, a friend, a leader, a co-worker, a wife, a homemaker, and so on – all at the same time. These many roles and tasks can be overwhelming. That is why it is vital to ensure you take care of your mental wellness.
This month, in partnership with Econet Wireless we are focusing on wellness and mental health awareness. Part of mental wellness is taking active steps to prioritise oneself and manage stress. Stress management is essential for you to be able to thrive. While there is no one size fits all, there are a number of copying mechanisms one can apply. Coping is the way we handle difficult situations, people, and problems. It is how we conquer stress or conflict. In general, there are three main ways that people tend to cope with stress- facing their issues as they arise, breaking down emotionally and distracting themselves or a combination of any of these mechanisms. Once you understand which of these styles you tend to use most, you can adopt some of these wellness-based techniques to help you cope better:
Be patient with yourself
In a world that is fast-paced, taking a little bit of time every day to slow down and appreciate the small things can help you to relax and focus better. Be quick to forgive yourself and others- this eases the internal pressure and makes you feel good about yourself!
Get active
Take some time to get out and have some fresh air. Take a walk, go for a jog and spend some time outdoors for a fresh perspective.
Manage what you are consuming
Eat clean. Healthy food leaves you feeling energetic and prevents you from experiencing food induced slumps in your energy levels. Also remember food is not the only thing you consume. Be mindful of the content you consume on social media, print press and television. Often our thoughts are the product of what we constantly feed our minds on and so it is very important to be mindful of this.
Reflect and Savour Every moment
Taking time to reflect on your day, savour all of the good moments and practicing gratitude all change our perspective. Make time for the things you enjoy and spend time with the people you value and vice versa. Avoid toxic environments and rather focus on the things that are bigger than you and those that contribute towards fulfilling your purpose. Set goals and pursue them relentlessly.
As we celebrate Mental Health Awareness Month, we encourage you to prioritise your health and wellbeing. Understand that you are enough. Your abilities and talents are unique and special. Decide what success means for you and focus on that. If you feel overwhelmed, ask trusted loved ones, a counsellor, or your doctor for assistance. There is strength in seeking help. An important part of mental wellness is taking active steps to manage your wellbeing and prioritise your mental health.
This post is powered by Econet Wireless Zimbabwe.