The brain is the epicenter of one's mental functioning. This organ controls one's intellectual, emotional, physical and psychological functions. It also houses the mind, which is the center of our thoughts, perceptions, emotions, determination, memory and imagination.
In order for one to perform well, the brain needs to be fueled and this fuel comes from the food one eats. What you eat directly affects the structure and function of your brain and ultimately your thoughts, emotions and mood. One's health is truly one’s wealth so what goes in to the mouth will impact what comes out of it in the form of our words, beliefs and habits.
Diet plays a pivotal role in one's physical wellness and has a significant impact on mental health. A healthy and balanced diet with foods that are natural and wholesome can relieve stress, depression and anxiety. Stress, poor nutrition combined with a lack of fitness can cause one’s body to respond by increasing inflammation within the body. This inflammation can further leads to a ton of health problems. A healthy diet helps the body by boosting brain development and it also enhances gut flora which helps decrease inflammation. A balanced diet that includes vegetables and nutrients can improve the sense of wellbeing and your mood. Traditional foods are also good for the brain and overall body health as they contain probiotics and they promote better gut health.
Poor diet can affect our brain. There are certain foods such as caffeine and chocolate, which in excess can trigger the brain into releasing chemicals that can affect mood. One should avoid taking high quantities of refined and processed foods because they promote inflammation. Poor diet can also trigger mental illness such as depression.
In conclusion, diet really does influence our mental health in ways we often do not expect hence the expression, "you are what you eat". One should thus take extreme care of their diet as the right foods can leave you well nourished and the wrong kinds of foods can trigger negative emotions, disrupt your ability to function fully and affect your mood. Eat right and promote your mental wellbeing.